Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Not always

I´m not always feeling like "submissive". Au contraire; sometimes I´m feeling like the independent boy I ever was. (And I know SHE likes me like that...) Sometimes I´m not into the daydream world of subjugation - under my desires - under a loving female authority of my choice. I have several sides...why not?
But You could make me..., if You are female and if you only knew the spell and how to wave the magic wand. Then I would be submitted (forced to be, but by my own choice) to You, to Your beauty and Your energy of a woman. And I would work for You, fight for you, endure for You whatever it takes and make Your dreams come a little bit more true.
Because that will be my dream then too. Isn´t that wonderful?
But not all of You know that. Or not sufficiently enough?

Isn´t it absurd to demand beeing in service to somebody? Why do I feel ashamed for asking Her, to be allowed to kneel before Her and kiss Her feet? To dry the drops of water from Her legs when she leaves the bathtube- with my lips? (Well actually I do that without feeling ashamed) To be lucky by just getting down on Her and go to sleep when she is finished.
Why would not She -herself- be the one who asks for her husband´s service -with the chores, in bed und what ever else.
Because normaly he does already is already the case anyway. Without words, without knowing it, the two of the couple are more and more doing what SHE says, but they would not consider it as a submission from one to the other.
It is becoming -meanwhile- "vanilla- standart". Times have changed a lot. But it is not enough.

When things should go more efficiently she would choose (and he would anyway) a a bit more of D/s? Would that be more efficiently?
Women seem to be afraid at first of their husbands submission, before they have used it. They like to reject a submissive husband (and that is why he doesn´t show up his desire), because they like to have a "strong" hubby. But I never heard of a wife rejecting it, when she already once tasted the benefits for her
given through "true" submission. As there is said in some of my favorite blogs concerning the FLA- there are stron submissives too. You only have to ask or have Your eyes open, when they kind of show up.
That´s what I would do, if I where a woman.
So I would use the spell and turn the nonsubmissive male to a very submissive one. I wonder if it would work for say 90% of all men in the western world, who are interested in women at all....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Coupe Danmark

It left me thinking and dreaming in front of my iMac... and later in bed beside my wife:
Lady Julia´s post about "Hypnotic Fantasies" yesterday. There is a fantasie I have sometimes and I like to share.
I call it Coupe Danmark- (vanilla icecream with hot chocolate sauce). Here it goes:
SHE coming from behind and turning my head to her, kisses me warm and tenderly, I feel her lips on my lips. I smell her bouquet. I am longing for more. My hand clasps softly her waist and gives me a smooth impression of her skin. I want to be near to her.
She coming from both sides cuts the nails of her thumbs and middle fingers into my nipples while kissing me even more intensly. Here tongue penetrates me.
Then her hands go down and squeeze me and pull down what there is to be pulled down.
Comfort and discomfort, approach and rejection are competing. I´m at once in my deepest submissive space.... She can have now anything from me...