Monday, October 09, 2006

Cognitive Dissonance

I am sometimes to fast building up my opinion. The internet is like walking in a fog from time to time. If I feel too insecure on my way, I hurry up to make a judgement of my surrounding before I have gathered enough information about it.
Especially when I get different and opposing perceptions.
But I need information and then I need to look at my heart.
My impressions will be guided by my eyes, my ears - my nose (not so much in the internet, right?) and the feelings in and outside of my body, they will be interpreted (and thats the point) by my fears, my needs, my desires... so it is not difficult to get confused and so I have to ask at least my heart. My heart is vulnerable and it is not always easy for me to notice what my feels.
There will always maintain a risk.
When I don´t feel my heart I could easily convince myself of the contrary and then I know so many arguments. Then I appriciate the opinions of others (and have to check my heart again). I like to learn.
So why I write about this is?Because I find it fits to a submissive man to be prepared to work with cognitive dissonance because there is the female and there is me and I am to make a decission in the sense which is good for her and us. If she likes it like that.


Lady Julia said...

It is easy to feel pulled in many ways especially when people are making compelling arguments on both sides of an issue. I'm sorry if you have been hurt by feeling this tug. Still, it is good to know there are people who aren't completely closed-minded.

faninho said...

Yes, it is about beeing open -for more information. Showing a vulnerable heart can protect the heart perhaps rather than closing it too much.
So far there is no hurt while training the muscles of this organ.

helpmate hubby said...

FYI I have greatly enjoyed your contributions here and on the Female led Relationships Board.