Friday, April 13, 2007

Aradia Asked

Aradia interviewt me. Here she is:

Dear faninho,

I finally have your 5 questions. Here they are:

1. If you have any BDSM fantasies, and you were given the option of actually fulfilling your darkest one, would you go through with it? Why or why not?

I would. Difficult to find the darkest one, but I‘d go through it, as far as it goes along with my fantasy - including an unscathed survival and with Her staying with me afterwards, if I'd choose the one with the cuckolding... ...Oh heck!!
It's not about erasing my fantasies through realisation, but I'm not experienced enough with reality in this concern!
All of "us" want to live their fantasies, when a good opportunity is given, which is rare. What are we living for? Gaining a black eye? What have I to loose? A Fantasy? Surely, but there might be another one, of that I‘m sure too! And there is always so much to learn about myself.

2. Imagine if you will, that you are in an "adult toy store" being led around by your Wife on a leash in front of all the other P/patrons. She leads you back to the section where BDSM equipment is sold, and asks the sales person if She can try out Her potential purchases on you first. What would your reaction be, and why?

Would be typical for Her! I'd let her do as she liked.
If I would resist She would not let me disgracing Her that way and openly humiliate me of being halfhearted.
That would be the worst for me.
So She got all the power.
Because I was already leashed by Her, I would be anyway in such a „submissive zone“ that I‘d have no choice but meekly if not enthralled dedicate myself to her product testing. The results be at least to my benefit.

If She would -as far as I know Her - go behind a curtain into a cabin with me, she would leave it up to me if my further reactions will be heard in the whole store or not... and if they will to be seen when she's coming out with me from with a red face, sweating, tears in my eyes... who knows! As She always acts economical, She would not spare the material before deciding to purchasing it :)

Would She hug and kiss me afterwards when I did a good job? Possibly.
That would be the best then and I'd be proud ...

3. If you had the choice to be anywhere, other that where your are right now, where would you be? Please give details on your choice.

Venice. La Serinissima. The Female of the Italien Cities. The Great Piazza. Campari with Her. We just came out of the ........- Hotel. Like we did years ago. The first time we tried the "Lady comes first"- way in addition with the denying the male that. Was it her idea? Now sitting there. Her legs are nonchalantly crossed . Just an elegant dress. Her wonderful thighs. Her cleavage. 10:PM . We are in love. Could do anything for her. I am so eager watching Her. She accepts. Tickles my crotch under the small table, with her bare toe, despite all the people around. She loves to see me go a little nervy. Laughing together.
Feeling the trails of her nails on my body, smelling her fragrance- .
Warm air. Warm stones underneath our feet on (except the one of hers). The smell. This is Venice to me and so much more. Just love this place which is a stage all the time. A stage which invites you to show up who you are in unconditional love. Like in a fairytale. Walking around there makes me always a bit more proud of being a human being

4. "To go where no man has gone before." Where would that be for you, and why?

On the mars? To the very deepest submission? To an answer of this question? To pass away without any fear?
Maybe no man has really been before in total understanding and love with the other(s).

5. You win a windfall of money... what would be the first three things you would do with it?
  1. Definitively ask my wife and share it with Her in a partitioning of Her choice.
  2. If something is left from Number 1. for me, what I hope, I‘ll -care about the house, the holidays, the wellness -all with limits (except the Ferrari LOL) ... and what it takes to prepare a place for love and understanding than:
  3. find out what I can do to make the world a little better (a try, but...) This process will take some time and needs intuition, but I will succeed soon- because submission means to me to surrender to the pleasure of life; to increase it a bit outside of myself as well.
    Just projecting wellfare for others, who need it.

1 comment:

Aradia said...

Yea! you got the comments working!

Thanks for answering My questions, faninho. As I mentioned your answer about Venice had so many stunning visuals, that it makes Me even more excited to see it in late May.

All your answers were great, and I really enjoyed reading them, and learning more about you.

My best,
